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The Policy on Confidentiality and Privacy delineates the conditions, principles, and protections for confidentiality and privacy that are integral to the Agreement you enter into whenever — and wherever — you commence or continue any conduct or service relating in any way, directly or indirectly, to The C&C Ikoku Foundation. Please, therefore, take the time to read what follows carefully.

Your Policy Agreements

Section 10.1.0. First, with respect to the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy you enter into via your Agreement with the Codes and Policies, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

10.1.1. Policy, Name, Nature
that the name of this Policy is the “Policy on Confidentiality and Privacy of The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation” (the “Confidentiality and Privacy Policy,” the “Confidentiality Policy,” and the “Privacy Policy”) and that the nature of this Policy is to serve as the policy on confidentiality and privacy of The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation;
10.1.2. Policy, Composition
that the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy consists of all conditions, principles, protections, and equivalent provisions for confidentiality and privacy in the Codes and Policies of The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation (the “Codes and Policies” and the “Policies”) and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Conduct and Service Agreement (the “Agreement”), which therefore include, but are not limited to, those delineated below;
10.1.3. Policy, Agreement
that you understand the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy to be an integral part of the Codes and Policies and the Agreement you enter into with The C&C Ikoku Foundation;
10.1.4. Policy, Consent
that your consent to the Codes and Policies and the Agreement includes your legally equivalent consent to the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy;
10.1.5. Policy, Duties
that your duties to the Codes and Policies and the Agreement includes your legally equivalent duties to the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy;
10.1.6. Policy, Entry
that your entry into the Agreement includes your legally equivalent entry into the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, and similarly occurs whenever you commence or continue any conduct or service at, by, for, in, on, with or otherwise relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation;
10.1.7. Policy, Legally Abiding
that your attestation about your reading, understanding, consenting and agreeing to legally abide by the Codes and Policies and the Agreement includes your legally attestation about your reading, understanding, consenting and agreeing to legally abide by the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, in its entirety without modification or severability, as amended from time to time solely by the Founder;
10.1.8. Policy, Legally Binding
that your attestation about your reading, understanding, consenting and agreeing to be legally bound by the Codes and Policies and the Agreement includes your legally equivalent attestation about your reading, understanding, consenting and agreeing to be legally bound by the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, in its entirety without modification or severability, as amended from time to time solely by the Founder;
10.1.9. Policy, Knowledge
that your attestation about your awareness and acceptance of your responsibility to keep informed and update your knowledge of the Codes and Policies and the Agreement includes your legally equivalent awareness and acceptance of your responsibility to keep informed and update your knowledge of the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, in its entirety without modification or severability, as amended from time to time solely by the Founder.

Your Policy Understandings

Section 10.2.0. Second, with respect to your understandings of the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, you covenant, represent, and warrant the following:

10.2.1. Policy Understandings
that you have read, understood, consented to, and agreed to be legally bound by and abide by understandings of confidentiality and privacy as they are defined and provided for in the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, the Codes and Policies, and applicable law and regulation;
10.2.2. Policy Understandings, Conditions
that you have read, understood, consented to, and agreed to be legally bound by and abide by understandings of confidentiality and privacy conditions as they are defined and provided for in the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, the Codes and Policies, and applicable law and regulation, to be fulfilled and respected and not breached or violated, in any way, by you;
10.2.3. Policy Understandings, Definitions
that you have read, understood, consented to, and agreed to be legally bound by and abide by understandings of confidentiality and privacy definitions as they are defined and provided for in the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, the Codes and Policies, and applicable law and regulation, to be fulfilled and respected and not breached or violated, in any way, by you;
10.2.4. Policy Understandings, Practices
that you have read, understood, consented to, and agreed to be legally bound by and abide by understandings of confidentiality and privacy practices as they are defined and provided for in the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, the Codes and Policies, and applicable law and regulation, to be fulfilled and respected and not breached or violated, in any way, by you;
10.2.5. Policy Understandings, Principles
that you have read, understood, consented to, and agreed to be legally bound by and abide by understandings of confidentiality and privacy principles as they are defined and provided for in the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, the Codes and Policies, and applicable law and regulation, to be fulfilled and respected and not infringed or violated, in any way, by you;
10.2.6. Policy Understandings, Processes
that you have read, understood, consented to, and agreed to be legally bound by and abide by understandings of confidentiality and privacy processes as they are defined and provided for in the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, the Codes and Policies, and applicable law and regulation, to be fulfilled and respected and not breached or violated, in any way, by you;
10.2.7. Policy Understandings, Rights
that you have read, understood, consented to, and agreed to be legally bound by and abide by understandings of confidentiality and privacy rights as they are defined and provided for in the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, the Codes and Policies, and applicable law and regulation, to be fulfilled and respected and not infringed or violated, in any way, by you;
10.2.8. Policy Understandings, Safeguards
that you have read, understood, consented to, and agreed to be legally bound by and abide by understandings of confidentiality and privacy safeguards and resulting protections as they are defined and provided for in the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, the Codes and Policies, and applicable law and regulation, to be fulfilled and respected and not breached or violated, in any way, by you;
10.2.9. Policy Understandings, Violations
that you have read, understood, consented to, and agreed to be legally bound by and abide by understandings of confidentiality and privacy breach, diminishment, incompatibility, infringement, and violation as they are defined and provided for in the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, the Codes and Policies, and applicable law and regulation, to not be brought about, in any way, by you.

Your Policy Commitments

Section 10.3.0. Third, with respect to your commitments to the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

10.3.1. Policy Commitments, Basis
that your commitment is the basis for any conduct or service at, by, for, in, on, with, or otherwise relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation that you commence or continue — including via any of the Products or Services, or the divisions, series, subsidiaries, or affiliates — and that any such conduct or service is free of any infringement of the most humane, protective and respectful interpretations of confidentiality and privacy, the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, the Codes and Policies, and applicable law and regulation;
10.3.2. Policy Commitments, Conditions
that this commitment include but not be limited to upholding for every person at The C&C Ikoku Foundation the most humane, protective and respectful interpretations of confidentiality and privacy conditions, including as provided for in the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, the Codes and Policies, and applicable law and regulation;
10.3.3. Policy Commitments, Definitions
that this commitment include but not be limited to upholding for every person at The C&C Ikoku Foundation the most humane, protective and respectful interpretations of confidentiality and privacy definitions, including as provided for in the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, the Codes and Policies, and applicable law and regulation;
10.3.4. Policy Commitments, Principles
that this commitment include but not be limited to upholding for every person at The C&C Ikoku Foundation the most humane, protective and respectful interpretations of confidentiality and privacy principles, including as provided for in the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, the Codes and Policies, and applicable law and regulation;
10.3.5. Policy Commitments, Processes
that this commitment include but not be limited to upholding for every person at The C&C Ikoku Foundation the most humane, protective and respectful interpretations of confidentiality and privacy processes, including as provided for in the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, the Codes and Policies, and applicable law and regulation;
10.3.6. Policy Commitments, Rights
that this commitment include but not be limited to upholding for every person at The C&C Ikoku Foundation the most humane, protective and respectful interpretations of confidentiality and privacy rights, including as provided for in the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, the Codes and Policies, and applicable law and regulation;
10.3.7. Policy Commitments, Safeguards
that this commitment include but not be limited to upholding for every person at The C&C Ikoku Foundation the most humane, protective and respectful interpretations of confidentiality and privacy safeguards and resulting protections, including as provided for in the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, the Codes and Policies, and applicable law and regulation;
10.3.8. Policy Commitments, Practices
that you respectfully assist solely via Your Duties as described in the Codes and Policies and the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy and in no way interfere with or impede the reasonable efforts authorized and executed solely by the Founder to translate the aforementioned commitments into practices for adopting and applying policies pertaining to confidentiality and privacy; for adjudicating and determining compliance with the policies; and for fulfilling The C&C Ikoku Foundation’s own duties pertaining to confidentiality and privacy, confidentiality and privacy conditions, confidentiality and privacy definitions, confidentiality and privacy principles, confidentiality and privacy processes, confidentiality and privacy rights, and confidentiality and privacy safeguards and their resulting protections, including as provided for in the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy, the Codes and Policies, and applicable law and regulation;
10.3.9. Policy Commitments, Protections
that you also respectfully assist solely via Your Duties as described in the Codes and Policies and the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy and in no way interfere with or impede the reasonable efforts authorized and executed solely by the Founder to develop and enforce confidentiality and privacy protections derived from, first, applicable law and regulation, and second, from advances in confidentiality and privacy that protect persons in ways that go beyond what such law and regulation currently provides.
Lekki-Ikoyi Link Bridge, Lagos, Nigeria, February 23 2019 (Babatunde Olajide)



The Policy on Confidentiality and Privacy requires your adherence to the conditions above and correlative conditions and principles delineated below.

A — On Confidentiality

Conditions of Confidentiality

— With respect to conditions for confidentiality, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

i. Conditions, Confidentiality
that, in addition to your Agreement, you maintain and not infringe, in any way, the ensuing conditions for confidentiality, which depend on the confidential nature of The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation — including its official entities, persons, the Founder, and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration — as a confidential corporation and organization and as entities and persons of confidential administration.
ii. Conditions, Confidentiality: Administration
that the confidential administration of The C&C Ikoku Foundation and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration and the rights attendant to such confidentiality — as conducted solely by the Founder, Alvan Azinna Chibuzo Ikoku, and executed solely via the Founder’s authorization — are actively attained, maintained, protected, and secured, are fully enjoyed and fulfilled, and are not infringed in any way.
iii. Conditions, Confidentiality: Areas
that the confidential administration of the official areas of The C&C Ikoku Foundation and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration and the rights attendant to such confidentiality — including that providing for and otherwise pertaining to the confidentiality of its official areas, offices, parts, properties, sections, and equivalent, as authorized solely by the Founder, Alvan Azinna Chibuzo Ikoku — are actively attained, maintained, protected, and secured, are fully enjoyed and fulfilled, and are not infringed in any way.
iv. Conditions, Confidentiality: Founder
that the confidentiality of The C&C Ikoku Foundation’s Founder, Alvan Azinna Chibuzo Ikoku, and the rights attendant to such confidentiality — including that providing for and otherwise pertaining to the confidentiality of the Founder, his activities, administration, conduct and service, as executed solely by the Founder’s authorization — are actively attained, maintained, protected, and secured, are fully enjoyed and fulfilled, and are not infringed in any way.
v. Conditions, Confidentiality: Ownership
that the confidential ownership of The C&C Ikoku Foundation and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration and the rights attendant to such confidentiality — including that providing for and otherwise pertaining to the confidential interests-, share-, stake- and stock-holding, ownership, and equivalent of The C&C Ikoku Foundation and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration, solely and wholly by the Founder, Alvan Azinna Chibuzo Ikoku — are actively attained, maintained, protected, and secured, are fully enjoyed and fulfilled, and are not infringed in any way.
vi. Conditions, Confidentiality: Practices
that the confidential practices of The C&C Ikoku Foundation and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration and the rights attendant to such confidentiality — including that providing for and otherwise pertaining to practices for ensuring the confidentiality of The C&C Ikoku Foundation, The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration, its official entities, persons, the Founder, and its conduct and service, as authorized solely by the Founder, Alvan Azinna Chibuzo Ikoku — are actively attained, maintained, protected, and secured, are fully enjoyed and fulfilled, and are not infringed in any way.
vii. Conditions, Confidentiality: Reporting
that the confidential reporting of actual, anticipated or apparent infringement relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration and the rights attendant to such confidentiality — including that providing for and otherwise pertaining to the confidential, private and sensitive reporting of any infringement or equivalent of the Codes and Policies and applicable law and regulation, directly to and fully informing the Founder, Alvan Azinna Chibuzo Ikoku — are actively attained, maintained, protected, and secured, are fully enjoyed and fulfilled, and are not infringed in any way.

Duties of Confidentiality

— With respect to duties of confidentiality, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

i. Duty, Confidentiality: Activity
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to maintain and not infringe, in any way, the confidentiality of an act or activity that is confidential, private or sensitive.
ii. Duty, Confidentiality: Agent
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to maintain and not infringe, in any way, the confidentiality of an agent or party who is confidential, private or sensitive.
iii. Duty, Confidentiality: Arrangement
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to maintain and not infringe, in any way, the confidentiality of an arrangement that is confidential, private or sensitive.
iv. Duty, Confidentiality: Conduct, Service
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to maintain and not infringe, in any way, the confidentiality of conduct or service that is confidential, private or sensitive.
v. Duty, Confidentiality: Entity, Organization
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to maintain and not infringe, in any way, the confidentiality of The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation — including its official entities, persons, the Founder, and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration — as a confidential corporation and organization and as entities and persons of confidential administration.
vi. Duty, Confidentiality: Expectation
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to heed and not infringe, in any way, any expectation of confidentiality — such as in the setting of confidences, domestic partnership, finance and industry, health, home, law, personal affairs and papers, research, rest- and washroom, worship, or equivalent — that is meaningful and reasonable.
vii. Duty, Confidentiality: Material
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to maintain and not infringe, in any way, the confidentiality of material that is confidential, private or sensitive.
viii. Duty, Confidentiality: Matter
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to maintain and not infringe, in any way, the confidentiality of a matter that is confidential, private or sensitive.
ix. Duty, Confidentiality: Procedure
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to maintain and not infringe, in any way, the confidentiality of a procedure, proceeding, or process that is confidential, private or sensitive.
x. Duty, Confidentiality: Relation
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to maintain and not infringe, in any way, the confidentiality of a relation or relationship — to an entity, office, or person — that is confidential, private or sensitive.
xi. Duty, Confidentiality: Request
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to consider then not infringe, in any way, a request for confidentiality — such as in the setting of advice, counsel, evaluation, interview, investigation, whistleblowing, or equivalent — that is meaningful and reasonable.
xii. Duty, Confidentiality: Reporting
that your sole means of fulfilling the aforementioned duties is by refraining from and reporting — via fully informing communication directly to the Founder — any infringement of confidentiality, and furthermore, not in any way diminishing or hindering the Founder’s sole discretion and powers to adjudicate and remedy such infringements.

Rights to Confidentiality

— With respect to rights to confidentiality, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

i. Rights, Confidentiality: Applicable Law
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation do not infringe, in any way, the rights to confidentiality accorded to persons by applicable law and regulation.
ii. Rights, Confidentiality: Civil, Fundamental
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation do not infringe, in any way, the rights to confidentiality accorded to persons by their polities.
iii. Rights, Confidentiality: Entity, Organization
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation do not infringe, in any way, the hereby accorded rights to confidentiality of The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation — including its official entities, persons, the Founder, and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration — as a confidential corporation and organization and as entities and persons of confidential administration.
iv. Rights, Confidentiality: Human, Being
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation do not infringe, in any way, the hereby accorded and absolute rights to confidentiality of a human’s inner being, body, and brain, as well as inner self, soul, and spirit.
v. Rights, Confidentiality: Human, Mind
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation do not infringe, in any way, the hereby accorded and absolute rights to confidentiality of a human’s mind, including its activities, contents, and signs.
vi. Rights, Confidentiality: Human, Self
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation do not infringe, in any way, the hereby accorded and absolute rights to confidentiality of a human’s activities with the self — in physical or virtual solitude, in silence or in voice, written or otherwise recorded, for the self’s purposes.

Safeguards of Confidentiality

— With respect to safeguards of confidentiality, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

i. Safeguards, Confidentiality: Activity
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to safeguard the confidentiality of an act or activity that is confidential, private or sensitive.
ii. Safeguards, Confidentiality: Agent
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to safeguard the confidentiality of an agent or party who is confidential, private or sensitive.
iii. Safeguards, Confidentiality: Arrangement
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to safeguard the confidentiality of an arrangement that is confidential, private or sensitive.
iv. Safeguards, Confidentiality: Conduct, Service
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to safeguard the confidentiality of conduct or service that is confidential, private or sensitive.
v. Safeguards, Confidentiality: Entity, Organization
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to safeguard the confidentiality of The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation — including its official entities, persons, the Founder, and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration — as a confidential corporation and organization and as entities and persons of confidential administration.
vi. Safeguards, Confidentiality: Expectation
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to fulfill and safeguard an expectation of confidentiality that is meaningful and reasonable.
vii. Safeguards, Confidentiality: Material
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to safeguard the confidentiality of material that is confidential, private or sensitive.
viii. Safeguards, Confidentiality: Matter
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to safeguard the confidentiality of a matter that is confidential, private or sensitive.
ix. Safeguards, Confidentiality: Procedure
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to safeguard the confidentiality of a procedure, proceeding, or process that is confidential, private or sensitive.
x. Safeguards, Confidentiality: Relation
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to safeguard the confidentiality of a relation or relationship — to an entity, office, or person — that is confidential, private or sensitive.
xi. Safeguards, Confidentiality: Request
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to fulfill and safeguard a request for confidentiality that is meaningful and reasonable.
xii. Safeguards, Confidentiality: Rights
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to fulfill and safeguard the aforementioned and other rights to confidentiality, including but not limited to those provided for in the Codes and Policies and applicable law and regulation.
xiii. Safeguards, Confidentiality: Reporting
that your primary means of respecting the aforementioned safeguards is by refraining from and reporting — via fully informing communication directly to the Founder — any infringement of confidentiality, and furthermore, not in any way diminishing or hindering the Founder’s sole discretion and powers to adjudicate and remedy such infringements.

B — On Privacy

Conditions of Privacy

— With respect to conditions for privacy, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

i. Conditions, Privacy
that, in addition to your Agreement, you maintain and not infringe, in any way, the ensuing conditions for privacy, which depend on the private nature of The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation — including its official entities, persons, the Founder, and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration — as a private corporation and organization and as entities and persons of private administration.
ii. Conditions, Privacy: Administration
that the private administration of The C&C Ikoku Foundation and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration and the rights attendant to such privacy — as conducted solely by the Founder, Alvan Azinna Chibuzo Ikoku, and executed solely via the Founder’s authorization — are actively attained, maintained, protected, and secured, are fully enjoyed and fulfilled, and are not infringed in any way.
iii. Conditions, Privacy: Areas
that the private administration of the official areas of The C&C Ikoku Foundation and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration and the rights attendant to such privacy — including that providing for and otherwise pertaining to the privacy of its official areas, offices, parts, properties, sections, and equivalent, as authorized solely by the Founder, Alvan Azinna Chibuzo Ikoku — are actively attained, maintained, protected, and secured, are fully enjoyed and fulfilled, and are not infringed in any way.
iv. Conditions, Privacy: Founder
that the privacy of The C&C Ikoku Foundation’s Founder, Alvan Azinna Chibuzo Ikoku, and the rights attendant to such privacy — including that providing for and otherwise pertaining to the privacy of the Founder, his activities, administration, conduct and service, as executed solely by the Founder’s authorization — are actively attained, maintained, protected, and secured, are fully enjoyed and fulfilled, and are not infringed in any way.
v. Conditions, Privacy: Ownership
that the private ownership of The C&C Ikoku Foundation and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration and the rights attendant to such privacy — including that providing for and otherwise pertaining to the private interests-, share-, stake- and stock-holding, ownership, and equivalent of The C&C Ikoku Foundation and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration, solely and wholly by the Founder, Alvan Azinna Chibuzo Ikoku — are actively attained, maintained, protected, and secured, are fully enjoyed and fulfilled, and are not infringed in any way.
vi. Conditions, Privacy: Practices
that the private practices of The C&C Ikoku Foundation and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration and the rights attendant to such privacy — including that providing for and otherwise pertaining to practices for ensuring the privacy of The C&C Ikoku Foundation, The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration, its official entities, persons, the Founder, and its conduct and service, as authorized solely by the Founder, Alvan Azinna Chibuzo Ikoku — are actively attained, maintained, protected, and secured, are fully enjoyed and fulfilled, and are not infringed in any way.
vii. Conditions, Privacy: Reporting
that the private reporting of actual, anticipated or apparent infringement relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration and the rights attendant to such privacy — including that providing for and otherwise pertaining to the confidential, private and sensitive reporting of any infringement or equivalent of the Codes and Policies and applicable law and regulation, directly to and fully informing the Founder, Alvan Azinna Chibuzo Ikoku — are actively attained, maintained, protected, and secured, are fully enjoyed and fulfilled, and are not infringed in any way.

Duties of Privacy

— With respect to duties of privacy, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

i. Duty, Privacy: Activity
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to maintain and not infringe, in any way, the privacy of an act or activity that is confidential, private or sensitive.
ii. Duty, Privacy: Agent
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to maintain and not infringe, in any way, the privacy of an agent or party who is confidential, private or sensitive.
iii. Duty, Privacy: Arrangement
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to maintain and not infringe, in any way, the privacy of an arrangement that is confidential, private or sensitive.
iv. Duty, Privacy: Conduct, Service
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to maintain and not infringe, in any way, the privacy of conduct or service that is confidential, private or sensitive.
v. Duty, Privacy: Entity, Organization
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to maintain and not infringe, in any way, the privacy of The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation — including its official entities, persons, the Founder, and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration — as a private corporation and organization and as entities and persons of private administration.
vi. Duty, Privacy: Expectation
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to heed and not infringe, in any way, any expectation of privacy — such as in the setting of confidences, domestic partnership, finance and industry, health, home, law, personal affairs and papers, research, rest- and washroom, worship, or equivalent — that is meaningful and reasonable.
vii. Duty, Privacy: Material
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to maintain and not infringe, in any way, the privacy of material that is confidential, private or sensitive.
viii. Duty, Privacy: Matter
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to maintain and not infringe, in any way, the privacy of a matter that is confidential, private or sensitive.
ix. Duty, Privacy: Procedure
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to maintain and not infringe, in any way, the privacy of a procedure, proceeding, or process that is confidential, private or sensitive.
x. Duty, Privacy: Relation
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to maintain and not infringe, in any way, the privacy of a relation or relationship — to an entity, office, or person — that is confidential, private or sensitive.
xi. Duty, Privacy: Request
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation have a duty to consider then not infringe, in any way, a request for privacy — such as in the setting of advice, counsel, evaluation, interview, investigation, whistleblowing, or equivalent — that is meaningful and reasonable.
xii. Duty, Privacy: Reporting
that your sole means of fulfilling the aforementioned duties is by refraining from and reporting — via fully informing communication directly to the Founder — any infringement of privacy, and furthermore, not in any way diminishing or hindering the Founder’s sole discretion and powers to adjudicate and remedy such infringements.

Rights to Privacy

— With respect to rights to privacy, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

i. Rights, Privacy: Applicable Law
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation do not infringe, in any way, the rights to privacy accorded to persons by applicable law and regulation.
ii. Rights, Privacy: Civil, Fundamental
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation do not infringe, in any way, the rights to privacy accorded to persons by their polities.
iii. Rights, Privacy: Entity, Organization
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation do not infringe, in any way, the hereby accorded rights to privacy of The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation — including its official entities, persons, the Founder, and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration — as a private corporation and organization and as entities and persons of private administration.
iv. Rights, Privacy: Human, Being
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation do not infringe, in any way, the hereby accorded and absolute rights to privacy of a human’s inner being, body, and brain, as well as inner self, soul, and spirit.
v. Rights, Privacy: Human, Mind
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation do not infringe, in any way, the hereby accorded and absolute rights to privacy of a human’s mind, including its activities, contents, and signs.
vi. Rights, Privacy: Human, Self
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation do not infringe, in any way, the hereby accorded and absolute rights to privacy of a human’s activities with the self — in physical or virtual solitude, in silence or in voice, written or otherwise recorded, for the self’s purposes.

Safeguards of Privacy

— With respect to safeguards of privacy, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

i. Safeguards, Privacy: Activity
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to safeguard the privacy of an act or activity that is confidential, private or sensitive.
ii. Safeguards, Privacy: Agent
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to safeguard the privacy of an agent or party who is confidential, private or sensitive.
iii. Safeguards, Privacy: Arrangement
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to safeguard the privacy of an arrangement that is confidential, private or sensitive.
iv. Safeguards, Privacy: Conduct, Service
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to safeguard the privacy of conduct or service that is confidential, private or sensitive.
v. Safeguards, Privacy: Entity, Organization
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to safeguard the privacy of The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation — including its official entities, persons, the Founder, and The C&C Ikoku Foundation Administration — as a private corporation and organization and as entities and persons of private administration.
vi. Safeguards, Privacy: Expectation
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to fulfill and safeguard an expectation of privacy that is meaningful and reasonable.
vii. Safeguards, Privacy: Material
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to safeguard the privacy of material that is confidential, private or sensitive.
viii. Safeguards, Privacy: Matter
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to safeguard the privacy of a matter that is confidential, private or sensitive.
ix. Safeguards, Privacy: Procedure
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to safeguard the privacy of a procedure, proceeding, or process that is confidential, private or sensitive.
x. Safeguards, Privacy: Relation
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to safeguard the privacy of a relation or relationship — to an entity, office, or person — that is confidential, private or sensitive.
xi. Safeguards, Privacy: Request
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to fulfill and safeguard a request for privacy that is meaningful and reasonable.
xii. Safeguards, Privacy: Rights
that you do not infringe, in any way, the practices, processes, protections, and other provisions of The C&C Ikoku Foundation to fulfill and safeguard the aforementioned and other rights to privacy, including but not limited to those provided for in the Codes and Policies and applicable law and regulation.
xiii. Safeguards, Privacy: Reporting
that your primary means of respecting the aforementioned safeguards is by refraining from and reporting — via fully informing communication directly to the Founder — any infringement of privacy, and furthermore, not in any way diminishing or hindering the Founder’s sole discretion and powers to adjudicate and remedy such infringements.

C — On Protections

For Specific Persons

— For Entity

— With respect to protections of confidentiality and privacy for The C&C Ikoku Foundation itself, as an entity, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

i. Protections: Entity
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation holds protecting the organizational confidentiality and privacy of The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation to be a basic premise and right of its establishment and existence as an entity, and thus of high importance.
ii. Protections: Entity, Administration
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation holds protecting such organizational confidentiality and privacy to be important to its formation, governance, and overall administration.
iii. Protections: Entity, Areas
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation holds protecting the organizational confidentiality and privacy of its official areas, offices, parts, properties, sections, and equivalent — including any act, activity, agent, arrangement, asset, or involved material or matter — to be of high importance.
iv. Protections: Entity, Conduct, Service
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation holds protecting the organizational confidentiality and privacy of its official conduct and service — including any act, activity, agent, arrangement, asset, or involved material or matter — to be of high importance.
v. Protections: Entity, Mission
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation holds protecting such organizational confidentiality and privacy to be important to the fulfillment of its mission and purposes, and so does and will enforce, fulfill, and protect such organizational confidentiality and privacy policies, principles, requirements, and rights — as well as attendant assets, interests, and properties — to the fullest extent possible.
vi. Protections: Entity, Non-Permission, Request
that neither you nor The C&C Ikoku Foundation permit, request, or require any entity, office, or person — nor be permitted, requested or required — to infringe, in any way, such organizational confidentiality and privacy, as provided for in the Codes and Policies and applicable law and regulation.
vii. Protections: Entity, Respect, Refrain, Report
that you respect such organizational confidentiality and privacy and fulfill your duties to refrain from and report — via fully informing communication directly to the Founder — any actual, anticipated or apparent infringement.

— For Founder

— With respect to protections of confidentiality and privacy for the Founder of The C&C Ikoku Foundation, Alvan Azinna Chibuzo Ikoku, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

i. Protections: Founder
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation holds protecting the confidentiality and privacy of the Founder to be a basic premise and right of its establishment and existence as an entity — as well as the Founder’s sanctity and status as a human being — and thus of high importance.
ii. Protections: Founder, Administration
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation holds protecting such Founder confidentiality and privacy to be important to its formation, governance, and overall administration.
iii. Protections: Founder, Areas
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation holds protecting the confidentiality and privacy of the Founder’s official areas, offices, parts, properties, sections, and equivalent — including any act, activity, agent, arrangement, asset, or involved material or matter — to be of high importance.
iv. Protections: Founder, Conduct, Service
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation holds protecting the confidentiality and privacy of the Founder’s official conduct and service — including any act, activity, agent, arrangement, asset, or involved material or matter — to be of high importance.
v. Protections: Founder, Mission
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation holds protecting such Founder confidentiality and privacy to be important to the fulfillment of its mission and purposes, and so does and will enforce, fulfill, and protect such Founder confidentiality and privacy policies, principles, requirements, and rights — as well as attendant assets, interests, and properties — to the fullest extent possible.
vi. Protections: Founder, Non-Permission, Request
that neither you nor The C&C Ikoku Foundation permit, request, or require any entity, office, or person — nor be permitted, requested or required — to infringe, in any way, such Founder confidentiality and privacy, as provided for in the Codes and Policies and applicable law and regulation.
vii. Protections: Founder, Respect, Refrain, Report
that you respect such Founder confidentiality and privacy and fulfill your duties to refrain from and report — via fully informing communication directly to the Founder — any actual, anticipated or apparent infringement.

— For Humans

— With respect to protections of confidentiality and privacy for human beings, as individuals, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

i. Protections: Humans
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation holds protecting the confidentiality and privacy of humans relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation to be a basic premise and right of its establishment and existence as an entity, and thus of high importance.
ii. Protections: Humans, Administration
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation holds protecting such human confidentiality and privacy to be important to its formation, governance, and overall administration.
iii. Protections: Humans, Conditions
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation holds protecting the absolute conditions for confidentiality and privacy of humans — specifically, of inner being, body, and brain, as well as inner self, soul, and spirit — to be of high importance.
iv. Protections: Humans, Contained, Entailed
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation holds protecting the confidentiality and privacy of all that is contained and entailed in such being, body, and brain, and self, soul, and spirit — in physical or virtual solitude, in silence or in voice, written or otherwise recorded — to be of high importance.
v. Protections: Humans, Conduct, Service
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation holds protecting the confidentiality and privacy of a given human’s confidential, private and sensitive conduct or service — including any act, activity, agent, arrangement, asset, or involved material or matter — to be of high importance.
vi. Protections: Humans, Mission
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation holds protecting such human confidentiality and privacy to be important to the fulfillment of its mission and purposes, and so does and will enforce, fulfill, and protect such human confidentiality and privacy policies, principles, requirements, and rights — as well as attendant assets, interests, and properties — to the fullest extent possible especially where the Founder and official persons are concerned.
vii. Protections: Humans, Non-Permission, Request
that neither you nor The C&C Ikoku Foundation permit, request, or require any entity, office, or person — nor be permitted, requested or required — to infringe, in any way, such human confidentiality and privacy, as provided for in the Codes and Policies and applicable law and regulation.
viii. Protections: Humans, Respect, Refrain, Report
that you respect such human confidentiality and privacy and fulfill your duties to refrain from and report — via fully informing communication directly to the Founder — any actual, anticipated or apparent infringement.

From Standard Risks, Threats

— From Incompatibility

— With respect to protections of confidentiality and privacy from standard risks and threats due to incompatibility, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

i. Protections: Incompatibility
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation protect itself and the Founder, as first priorities, then where reasonable, other natural persons from standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from any incompatibility with The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation, determined solely by the Founder, as provided for in the Codes and Policies.
ii. Protections: Incompatibility, Administration
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any incompatibility with The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation’s founding, governance, or overall administration.
iii. Protections: Incompatibility, Behaviors
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any inhumane behaviors.
iv. Protections: Incompatibility, Faith
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating a basic non-alignment with the Humana Faith.
v. Protections: Incompatibility, Means
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from commencing or continuing means, methods, or modes determined by the Founder to be effectors or facilitators of any incompatibility with The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation.
vi. Protections: Incompatibility, Persons
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from commencing or continuing relations with persons determined by the Founder to be effectors or facilitators of any incompatibility with The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation.

— From Inconsistency

— With respect to protections of confidentiality and privacy from standard risks and threats due to inconsistency, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

i. Protections: Inconsistency
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation protect itself and the Founder, as first priorities, then where reasonable, other natural persons from standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from any inconsistency in policies, practices, procedures, processes, or equivalent, as determined solely by the Founder.
ii. Protections: Inconsistency, Administration
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from any inconsistency in policies, practices, procedures, processes, or equivalent pertaining to The C&C Ikoku Foundation’s administration, especially such inconsistency that diminishes, in any way, the organizational unity of The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
iii. Protections: Inconsistency, Discriminatory
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating discriminatory, undue or unequal burden on or treatment of a given human.
iv. Protections: Inconsistency, Instrumental
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating an instrumental use of a given human as a means to others’s ends.
v. Protections: Inconsistency, Targeting
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating a targeting — including a flagging, persecuting, stalking, or tracking — of a given person, especially the Founder or The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
vi. Protections: Inconsistency, Utilitarian
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating a utilitarian use of a given human for the greater good or the increased or maximal gain of a community, field, or state.
vii. Protections: Inconsistency, With Interpretations
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any conduct or service that is inconsistent with the most humane and protective interpretations of confidentiality and privacy provisions in the Codes and Policies as well as local, state, federal and international guidelines, law, regulations, and treaties.

— From Infringement

— With respect to protections of confidentiality and privacy from standard risks and threats due to infringement, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

i. Protections: Infringement
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation protect itself and the Founder, as first priorities, then where reasonable, other natural persons from standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from any infringement relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation, determined solely by the Founder, as provided for in the Codes and Policies.
ii. Protections: Infringement, Administration
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any infringement of The C&C Ikoku Foundation’s administration, especially such infringement that diminishes, in any way, the Founder’s administrative powers or the organizational freedom or liberty of The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
iii. Protections: Infringement, Effect
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any unintentional infringement relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
iv. Protections: Infringement, Intent
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any intentional infringement relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
v. Protections: Infringement, Means
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from commencing or continuing means, methods, or modes determined by the Founder to be effectors or facilitators of any infringement relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
vi. Protections: Infringement, Persons
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from commencing or continuing relations with persons determined by the Founder to be effectors or facilitators of any infringement relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
vii. Protections: Infringement, Unabiding
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any infringement of your Agreement to abide by all provisions in the Codes and Policies.
viii. Protections: Infringement, Unconsented
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any infringement of any provisions for consent in the Codes and Policies or applicable law or regulation.
ix. Protections: Infringement, Unethical
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any infringement of any provisions for ethics in the Codes and Policies or applicable law or regulation.
x. Protections: Infringement, Unlawful
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any infringement of any provisions in applicable law or regulation.

— From Insecurity

— With respect to protections of confidentiality and privacy from standard risks and threats due to insecurity, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

i. Protections: Insecurity
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation protect itself and the Founder, as first priorities, then where reasonable, other natural persons from standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from any insecurity relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation, as determined solely by the Founder.
ii. Protections: Insecurity, Administration
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any insecurity in The C&C Ikoku Foundation’s administration, especially such insecurity that diminishes, in any way, the organizational integrity of The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
iii. Protections: Insecurity, Areas
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any insecurity in the official areas, offices, parts, properties, sections, or equivalent of The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
iv. Protections: Insecurity, Conduct, Services
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any insecurity in an official conduct or service — including any act, activity, agent, arrangement, asset, or involved material or matter — of The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
v. Protections: Insecurity, Means
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from commencing or continuing means, methods, or modes determined by the Founder to be effectors or facilitators of any insecurity relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
vi. Protections: Insecurity, Persons
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from commencing or continuing relations with persons determined by the Founder to be effectors or facilitators of any insecurity relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation.

— From Interference

— With respect to protections of confidentiality and privacy from standard risks and threats due to interference, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

i. Protections: Interference
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation protect itself and the Founder, as first priorities, then where reasonable, other natural persons from standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from any interference relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation, as determined solely by the Founder.
ii. Protections: Interference, Administration
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any interference with The C&C Ikoku Foundation’s administration, especially such interference that diminishes, in any way, the organizational independence of The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
iii. Protections: Interference, Areas
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any interference with the official areas, offices, parts, properties, sections, or equivalent of The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
iv. Protections: Interference, Conduct, Services
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any interference with an official conduct or service — including any act, activity, agent, arrangement, asset, or involved material or matter — of The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
v. Protections: Interference, Means
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from commencing or continuing means, methods, or modes determined by the Founder to be effectors or facilitators of any interference relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
vi. Protections: Interference, Persons
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from commencing or continuing relations with persons determined by the Founder to be effectors or facilitators of any interference relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation.

— From Intrusion

— With respect to protections of confidentiality and privacy from standard risks and threats due to intrusion, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

i. Protections: Intrusion
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation protect itself and the Founder, as first priorities, then where reasonable, other natural persons from standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from any intrusion relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation, as determined solely by the Founder.
ii. Protections: Intrusion, Administration
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any intrusion into The C&C Ikoku Foundation’s administration, especially such intrusion that diminishes, in any way, the organizational confidentiality or privacy of The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
iii. Protections: Intrusion, Areas
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any intrusion into the official areas, offices, parts, properties, sections, or equivalent of The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
iv. Protections: Intrusion, Conduct, Services
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from effecting or facilitating any intrusion into an official conduct or service — including any act, activity, agent, arrangement, asset, or involved material or matter — of The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
v. Protections: Intrusion, Means
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from commencing or continuing means, methods, or modes determined by the Founder to be effectors or facilitators of any intrusion relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation.
vi. Protections: Intrusion, Persons
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from commencing or continuing relations with persons determined by the Founder to be effectors or facilitators of any intrusion relating to The C&C Ikoku Foundation.

— From Invalidation

— With respect to protections of confidentiality and privacy from standard risks and threats due to effective invalidation, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

i. Protections: Invalidation
that The C&C Ikoku Foundation protect itself and the Founder, as first priorities, then where reasonable, other natural persons from standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from any effective invalidation or weakening of the aforementioned provisions, as determined solely by the Founder.
ii. Protections: Invalidation, Arguments
including standard risks and threats to confidentiality and privacy resulting from arguments, justifications, and rationalizations that posit any of the following to be an abrogating, diminishing, nullifying or otherwise overriding priority.
ii-a. Protections: Invalidation, Administration, Use
administration, control, ownership, property, use, utility, or equivalent that is argued, assumed, perceived or presumed to be collective, common, communal, communist, cooperative, decentralized, federated, franchised, governmental, multiplied, pluralized, political, public, socialist, statist or religious in effect or nature.
ii-b. Protections: Invalidation, Assent, Consent
assent, consent, permission, or equivalent that is argued, assumed, perceived or presumed or to be given, informed, presumed or unrevoked, rather than confirmed as such.
ii-c. Protections: Invalidation, Benefit, Need
benefit, good, interest, mission, need, or equivalent that is argued, assumed, perceived or presumed to be collective, common, communal or public.
ii-d. Protections: Invalidation, Care, Capacity
care, guardianship, incapacity, incompetency, protection, wardship, or equivalent that is argued, assumed, perceived or presumed to be necessary or in need of determination.
ii-e. Protections: Invalidation, Conversation, Speech
conversation, dialogue, speech, talk, voicing, or equivalent that is argued, assumed, perceived or presumed to be public rather than confirmed as such via consent.
ii-f. Protections: Invalidation, Danger, Threat
danger, fear, harm, health, safety, security, threat, violence, toxicity, or equivalent that is broad, existential, nebulous, non-actual, non-immediate, non-imminent, vague or otherwise does not pass judicial review and scrutiny under applicable law and regulation.
ii-g. Protections: Invalidation, Data, Information
data, evidence, fact, information, knowledge, truth, or equivalent that is argued, assumed, perceived or presumed to be collective, common, communal or public in interest or nature.
ii-h. Protections: Invalidation, Education, Research
education, learning, research, study, teaching, training, or equivalent that is argued, assumed, perceived or presumed to be beneficial, edifying, efficient or otherwise good or necessary.
ii-i. Protections: Invalidation, Equality, Equity
equality, equity, fairness, justice, remedy, or equivalent that is argued, assumed, perceived or presumed to be beneficial, efficient, equitable or otherwise good or necessary.
ii-j. Protections: Invalidation, Evaluation, Transparency
evaluation, inquiry, interview, investigation, monitoring, oversight, regulation, review, scrutiny, supervision, surveillance, tracking, transparency, or equivalent that is argued, assumed, perceived or presumed to be beneficial, edifying, efficient or otherwise good or necessary.
ii-k. Protections: Invalidation, Expediency, Reduction
expediency that advocates a reduction in expectations and protections of, or any provisions and requirements for, confidentiality or privacy.

— Furthermore, with respect to such protections of confidentiality and privacy from effective invalidation, you understand and agree to abide by the following:

iii. Protections: Invalidation, Presumption Where Personal
that you and The C&C Ikoku Foundation do not treat any personally identifying or otherwise relating conduct or service — including any act, activity, agent, arrangement, asset, or involved material or matter — as not confidential, not private, not sensitive, public, publishable or equivalent, in any way, unless The C&C Ikoku Foundation has and maintains unrevoked consent from the person concerned that such conduct or service is to be made accessible, available, public or publishable, and where such consent is obtained and maintained, the person’s agreement is to the explicitly, expressly and specifically stated terms for accessibility, availability, or publication delineated below.
iii-a. Protections: Invalidation, Consent, Activity
the ethical, lawful and specific conduct or service — including any activity, agent, arrangement, asset, or involved material or matter — relating to the person concerned to be made accessible, available, public, publishable or equivalent.
iii-b. Protections: Invalidation, Consent, Aim
the ethical, lawful and specific aim, goal, objective, or purpose of making the above conduct or service accessible, available, public, publishable or equivalent.
iii-c. Protections: Invalidation, Consent, Benefits
the ethical, lawful and specific benefits to the person concerned of making the above conduct or service accessible, available, public, publishable or equivalent.
iii-d. Protections: Invalidation, Consent, Costs
the ethical, lawful and specific costs to the person concerned of making the above conduct or service accessible, available, public, publishable or equivalent.
iii-e. Protections: Invalidation, Consent, Duration
the ethical, lawful and specific duration – and time considerations or implications – for making the above conduct or service accessible, available, public, publishable or equivalent.
iii-f. Protections: Invalidation, Consent, Manner
the ethical, lawful and specific manner, means, method, or mode for making the above conduct or service accessible, available, public, publishable or equivalent.
iii-g. Protections: Invalidation, Consent, Materials
the ethical, lawful and specific materials — or categories or types of materials — involved in making the above conduct or service accessible, available, public, publishable or equivalent.
iii-h. Protections: Invalidation, Consent, Matters
the ethical, lawful and specific matters — or categories or types of matters — involved in making the above conduct or service accessible, available, public, publishable or equivalent.
iii-i. Protections: Invalidation, Consent, Persons
the ethical, lawful and specific persons — or categories or types of persons — involved in making the above conduct or service accessible, available, public, publishable or equivalent.
iii-j. Protections: Invalidation, Consent, Risks
the ethical, lawful and specific risks to the person concerned — including but not limited to harms and their effect, extent, likelihood, remedy — of making the above conduct or service accessible, available, public, publishable or equivalent.
iii-k. Protections: Invalidation, Consent, Safeguards
the ethical, lawful and specific safeguards — of benefits and against risks to the person concerned — of making the above conduct or service accessible, available, public, publishable or equivalent.
iii-l. Protections: Invalidation, Consent, Status
the ethical, lawful and specific procedures of keeping the person informed of the accessible, available, public, publishable or equivalent status of the above conduct or service.
iii-m. Protections: Invalidation, Consent, Voluntary
the ethical, lawful and specific means by which the person concerned may voluntarily give, maintain, or revoke such informed consent for the above conduct or service to be accessible, available, public, publishable or equivalent.
iv. Confirmed via Processes
all of the above as confirmed – even repeated, where appropriate – via processes conducted by The C&C Ikoku Foundation, via the Founder’s authorization, and not to be substituted by processes conducted by other persons.
v. Confirmed via Writing
none of the above being acceptable as consent when indicated, provided or otherwise received orally or vocally or via any form other than written.
vi. Confirmed not Presumed
none of the above being acceptable as consent when assumed, presumed or equivalent, and only upon meeting all requirements and standards above may such consent be deemed confirmed.
vii. As Required, Data, Information
furthermore, as required to meet standards delineated for personal data and information in the Policy on Data and Information.
viii. As Required, Research
furthermore, as required to meet standards delineated for human subjects research in the Policy on Human Subjects Research and Investigation.
Crowd Gathered on Steps with Washington Monument in Background
March On Washington, Washington DC, USA, August 28, 1963 (Library of Congress)
Schoolgirl in Uniform at Doorway Looking Above
In Uniform, Liberia, March 2019 (Adrianna Van Groningen)
Girl Kneeling in Busy Street
Tibetan Girl, 2017 (Journey Yang)



As stated earlier, the governance of The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation is, in important part, conducted via the Codes and Policies below:

Ikoku Foundation Agreement

The C&C Ikoku Foundation Conduct and Service Agreement, which:

Collectively Governing
consists of several Codes and Policies that collectively govern all conduct and service in any way relating to The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation.
Collectively Including
collectively include the Basic Policies — the Conditions and Terms of Founding, the Conditions and Terms of Governance, the Conditions and Terms of Conduct and Service, and the Founding and Governing Code of Ethics — as well as all other codes and policies, associated as the Correlative Policies.
Available Below
are made available further below.

Conditions of Founding

Conditions and Terms of Founding of The C&C Ikoku Foundation (HTML)

Conditions of Governance

Conditions and Terms of Governance of The C&C Ikoku Foundation (HTML)

Conditions of Service

Conditions and Terms of Conduct and Service (HTML)

Founding Ethics

Founding and Governing Code of Ethics (HTML)

All Policies

All Policies (HTML)


— Collectively, the Policy

— All of the aforementioned in this section constitutes the Policy on Confidentiality and Privacy of The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation (the “Confidentiality and Privacy Policy”) and forms an integral part of the Codes and Policies of The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation as well as The C&C Ikoku Foundation Conduct and Service Agreement you may enter into with The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation.

— Concerns and Questions

— Please report any concerns about code or policy violations, and send any questions you may have regarding the Policy on Confidentiality and Privacy or The C&C Ikoku Foundation Conduct and Service Agreement, to

— Concluding

— And as a concluding aviso and proviso, you are informed as well as reminded that by commencing or continuing any conduct or service relating to The Chinyere and Chinelo Ikoku Foundation — in any way, either directly or indirectly, and via any manner, means, method, or mode — you enter into The C&C Ikoku Foundation Conduct and Service Agreement and agree to abide by and be legally bound by the Policy conditions, principles, protections, and terms described above, and the Codes and Policies, in their entirety without modification or severability, as amended from time to time solely by the Founder.

Woman Bending Down to Tend Crops
Sierra Leone, 2017 (Annie Spratt)
Child in Costume Looking at Camera
Niño, Cusco, Peru, 2018 (Ben Ostrower)
Woman Seated on Mat on Floor, Holding Fan
Seated by Kpone Katamanso District Assembly Office, Tema, Ghana, 2017 (Nathaniel Tetteh)
People Holding Peace Banner and Respect Sign
Women's March, Boston, USA, 2017, (Alice Donovan Rouse)

Also at the Foundation

The C&C Ikoku Foundation is dedicated to fostering ethical philanthropy concerning Africa, its global diasporas, and humanely coexisting communities — toward humane futures for lives across the globe. And so in accordance with the above, the Foundation provides the following:


Philanthropy for Africa

A nonprofit organization that serves the public interest in Africa and its global diasporas — by advancing ethical philanthropy in several domains, including education and research, civics and governance, health and humanities, industry and innovation.


Philanthropy for Community

A nonprofit organization that serves the public interest in fostering humanely coexisting communities and persons — who evince a commitment to humane reciprocity as the basis for enhancing the lives and societies existing around them.


Philanthropy for Humanity

A nonprofit organization that serves the public interest in fostering humanity — by helping the public understand Africa’s essential place in a humane future, where the betterment of conditions for some of the most resolutely humane peoples enhances life for all.

More About Us

The C&C Ikoku Foundation